About us

The Anti-Corruption Task Force was established in December 2022 as an independent body alongside the Integrity Authority. The Task Force operates for an indefinite time, carrying out analytical, proposal, opinion-forming, and decision-preparation tasks.

The Working Group is composed of 21 members: 10 members representing designated governments, 10 NGO members representing non-governmental actors, and the Chairperson of the Authority, who is also the Chairperson of the Working Group. NGO membership is conditional on submitting an application, which the Authority’s Executive Board assesses after an opinion of the Eligibility Committee. The Eligibility Committee is an independent review body, independent of the Authority and the Task Force, and comprises three independent members. It performs the tasks related to the Working Group and the Authority as defined in Act XXVII of 2022 (Eufetv.).

The main task of the Working Group is to prepare an annual report by 15 March of each year following the year under review, in which they examine the current anti-corruption measures and develop proposals for investigating, sanctioning, and preventing corruption risks and corrupt practices. Once prepared and adopted, the report will be sent to the Government, which will publish it on its website.

To organize its work more efficiently, the Task Force has set up five permanent sub-working groups:

Social accountability is essential, as NGOs work voluntarily in the Task Force.